This old saying keeps getting stuck in my head: “Fate whispers to the warrior ‘You can’t withstand the storm.’ and the warrior responds: ‘I am the storm.’ ”

I really feel this way now, which is incredible.  I feel like I am who I am supposed to be at this moment in my life and the endless possibility is really motivating to me.


“My session with Rebecca was absolutely incredible! I uncovered things about my past, as well as thoughts and feelings, that I never even realized I had. They were buried deep inside, and Rebecca brought them out of me with ease. With that clarity, I have been able to heal old wounds and move forward with my life and professional endeavors with a heavy burden lifted from my shoulders. I’ve felt lighter and free from emotional baggage. I can’t wait to do more sessions with Rebecca to see what else we can uncover!”


“I had two RIM sessions with Rebecca, and each was completely revolutionary for me in their own way. I have been in individual therapy for years and have always considered myself a skilled, introspective thinker who can rationalize problems well. Yet even after all the work I was already doing, I felt there was something missing– I would hit a roadblock and be unable to work through it, I would just change direction.  During my sessions with Rebecca, she helped me transform the painful truths I have always believed to be set in stone into an internal dialogue where I have the power to choose the best way forward.  She empowers you to have that conversation with yourself and helps you realize the answers are truly within you. If you are considering having a session with Rebecca, I would strongly recommend you do so, it has been life changing.”

~Rachel G

“I’m happy to tell you the breakthroughs have continued. The change I initially noticed since giving up resentment toward my former wife was not feeling irritated whenever she contacted me. Today, when she dropped kids off at my home, she told me she broke up with her former boyfriend and met someone who made her truly happy. I was happy for her and happy that my kids would see their mom in a positive relationship. That would not have happened without our RIM session.”


“I’ve been living in a growth mindset ever since we had our session! I’ve been able to embrace situations that have in the past made me extremely uncomfortable and hit them straight on!”   


“I definitely feel more confident about the path forward since our session.  I’ve gone from questioning if I could make it happen to knowing that it will happen.”

~Neal Wynn

“I still feel a big change in my mindset on how I look at challenges in life. I just feel different now without having to think about it!”

~ Daniel

I now just feel more alive more often. This totally leads into my self-talk which has gone from relatively negative to Master of the Universe type of talk. It almost feels like I am on a heroic mission of destiny to see who I can be, what I can achieve, and to live with a new intensity.

I am surprised by how unstoppable I feel…like a “get with it or get out of my way, ‘cause I am moving at full speed.”

~F. D.

I want you to know what a profound impact it’s had on my life. Being able to get over the emotional hurdles and see clearly has cleared the path for my most fulfilling week ever. I’ve been enjoying so much more in not just my relationship but every area of my life.

~ A. Ross

“From work to my personal life, the resourcing session we had was so powerful in centering me and in boosting my self confidence and sense of knowing that I can handle what life brings my way. At work, what would have normally been a stressful week, went smoothly, stress-free. I rose to each task and deadline with grace and timeliness. [And] I had confidence to finally ask a guy out, who I had been crushing on for the past year. Even though I learned he is now in a relationship it was great to learn that he would have been interested had he still been single and that I am starting to take more action, and not living in regret. Funny thing is I also was asked out by another guy right after that!”

~ DaLeesa 

“I run a program that helps entrepreneurs build six-figure businesses around their passion and I have dozens of clients that come through that program. The work that  Rebecca does is absolutely paramount in terms of helping my clients overcome the limiting beliefs and roadblocks that we all impose on ourselves on a very very regular basis. And I can honestly say that without her work the people that I work with wouldn’t be able to accomplish the things that they want and need to accomplish in life. In order to be a successful person, you have to release some of the brakes that are holding you back first and Rebecca is one of the best in the world at doing that.”


“I have had two different RIM sessions with Rebecca and they both allowed me to heal separate parts of my past. I was amazed at how clear and light I felt after they were over. I am overall calmer, happier and less fearful. As a yoga teacher and former family therapist, I am always open to new ways of healing. RIM was able to go right to my core issues, and gave me the map to releasing them to write a new story. What I once deemed to be a huge issue that would take years of therapy to address, was actually addressed in two RIM sessions. I HIGHLY recommend this process to anyone ready to let some old stuff go and heal. Worth every penny!”  

~Amanda M.

“I feel like the last 25 years of stress, negative beliefs and criticisms about myself that I had been holding was just lifted off my shoulders… I’m connecting with people on a deeper level…. I cannot recommend it enough.”


“My session with Rebecca helped me finally put to rest some fears that I’ve lived with and put down some baggage that I’ve been carrying around for years. It helped me put into words things rolling around in my head and weighing on me but that I couldn’t quite put my finger on. It’s very different than therapy, the client leads the way. The facilitator just helps show you your options as far as which way to go. It helped me a ton.”


“Thank you so much for that gift! I am such a high energy person that I usually feel stifled by those with lower energy and in one call you have given me the ability to love and respect that energy within others. I cannot thank you enough for the amazing work you’re doing in and through these calls. Thank you!!!!!”


Full session example

Full Session Example